Christopher Wangsness, M.D.

Christopher Wangsness, M.D.

Overall Rating

4.3 of 5 (341 ratings, 59 comments)


Locations Served


  • Medical School: University of South Dakota School of Medicine, Vermillion
  • Residency: Rapid City Regional Hospital, Rapid City
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My injuries from my accident were largely overpowered by my injuries of my 7hr visit to the ER: I had blood drawn at least 4 times. The first lab tech "blew" a blood vessel, from which I carried a very large bruise. The next 2 or 3 lab techs, tho I also carried more bruises from their actions, were much more careful. The fact that I was not explained to about the fact that they needed to repeat a blood draw 3 times to check the enzyme level in the area of my heart could have been something I should have learned before I had already been in the ER for 5-6 hrs; I would have understood the delays. I realize am ER is a very busy place most of the time, but I spent most of my time there alone, and things were not explained to me until I was ready to leave against medical advice: I believe more care in explaining would have made my visit much more tolerable. However, I understand why the tests were needed, but I would have been more satisfied if things were better explained to me before they occurred instead of not until after 6 hours of my presence.
Chris Wangsness


Upon arrival because my name is not a usual English name. At one point after saying my name the receptionist actually asked me like what country it was from. And I had nothing to do with like covid symptoms or like if I've been out of the country or those kinds of things, and I've been there before so all my records are there. So I just, I didn't really appreciate it ,and answer was this country because it's actually a Lakota word, and I just didn't think that was very appropriate especially when I was standing there hardly able to get my breath because I had walking pneumonia. Also when I was between ,when I was brought back from x-ray that gal was real sweet ,and I heard her tell them that I was back in the room ,and ,and she told me that they'll be back in to hook you up because it turned out I was just really*.
Chris Wangsness


They did a very good job.
Chris Wangsness


Thank all of you, you all are much appreciated.
Chris Wangsness


The ER staff was very helpful. However, a poor selection was made with antibiotics and I develop an abscess within 2 days. Also, the wound was not probably cleaned as best as it could've been,so that probably left (INAUDIBLE) as well.People were friendly, people were helpful but probably not the best care. Thank you.
Chris Wangsness


hope it doesn't happen again
Chris Wangsness


At shift change, the second doctor released me even though I had an elevated BP, and him and the nurse kept telling me that I should be on BP medication, although I kept telling them I don't have a blood pressure problem. They also let me go even though I had still the pain that I had, which is why I had elevated BP. So nothing got resolved, I got no Med, I was back in the ER in Sioux Falls two days later. They took care of me. The other doctors did not.
Chris Wangsness

Ratings Breakdown

Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst facility possible and 10 is the best facility possible, what number would you use to rate this emergency department?
4.5 out of 5
Did the care providers explain what to do if you did not get better after leaving?
4.3 out of 5
Did the doctor listen carefully to you?
4.4 out of 5
Did the doctor give you enough information about your condition and treatment options?
4.2 out of 5