Jason Domagalski, PA-C

Jason Domagalski, PA-C

Overall Rating

4.52 of 5 (337 ratings, 61 comments)


Locations Served


University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE

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I was not really alerted at all what was happening in the emergency room, and I was disappointed that they asked him to come home that day. He was, in my estimation, it wasn't a good time for him to come home. However, he did, and he did okay until the evening when he had some more episodes, and the next day we had to come into the emergency room again, and he was led into the hospital for four days after that. So I wish that they had explained to him that he could give information, you could give information out to his wife or to somebody else, and that you would be giving information to him.
Jason Domagalski


When I first got there, they were very good. The nurses responded good, the doctor came in good, right away. But after that nothing, I didn't even get a Band-Aid for my cuts. So I would, I'm not happy with that and when I was, the monitor went off nobody checked on that. I was just left to my own resources in the end, not happy.
Jason Domagalski


Yes, he was very good to me. He told me what was wrong and I was so amazed because Dr. Cecil did not find this at all. I hope I can get better now. I doubt in my bladder there's a virus or something in my virus or something in the he gave me pills for it. But boy I don't know, I can't take all the water I want because I got to take him 6 hours apart. Then, I got to be up all day and then I got to be up all night and I can't do that. I don't know. I'll have to find out something. I'm going to see Dr. Cecil again tomorrow. Thank you.
Jason Domagalski


The lab technician, I was not impressed with she actually had to poke my daughter twice to get blood, which is fine, but then she came back in because she had to get a little bit more because she didn't fill one of the vials and she came back in with two completely empty vials and said well I ran it to see if I had enough but I did it. So we have to start over which is not okay on a 2 year old to try again. The first time you had to poke twice already. I was not impressed, it was not okay.
Jason Domagalski


Every,excuse me, everybody was so helpful and compassionate. I really appreciated that.
Jason Domagalski


I thought the care was excellent. And there was one thing that that I didn't like, and that was, the nurses stood outside the door. Stood around and laughed and joked around. And had a good time while I was in the room coughing my head off, and gasping for air, it just didn't fit. It did wasn't appropriate. And but other than that everything was very good. The doctor was very good. The nurses, nurses that I talked to were very good, and the x-ray person seemed good, and I thought the care was excellent. Thank you.
Jason Domagalski

Ratings Breakdown

Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst facility possible and 10 is the best facility possible, what number would you use to rate this emergency department?
4.5 out of 5
Did the care providers explain what to do if you did not get better after leaving?
4.5 out of 5
Did the doctor listen carefully to you?
4.6 out of 5
Did the doctor give you enough information about your condition and treatment options?
4.5 out of 5